Course code: Safety Officer One-Day Webinar
Duration: 1 Day (09:00 – 17:00)
Target groups: Deck and Engine Officers
Entry Requirements:
CMTS S.A. is pleased to introduce Safety Officer one-day webinar which is addressed to all Deck and Engine Officers and aims to cover the following objectives related to safety:
The core of this course is to provide to a brief outline of procedures, rules and regulations related to safety, as one of the main concerns onboard. Familiarization with safety duties, do’s and don’ts, ship’s safety equipment and its maintenance and inspections, safety drills and the role of each crewmember and safety audits mostly in terms of Port State Controls, will empower the understanding of safety for Property (vessel), Life (crew and passengers) and the Environment.
This course is also available upon request.
Course Code: High Voltage
Duration: 1 Day
Target Group(s): Engineers
“High Voltage” – and some of the main topics are the following:
The “High Voltage” course completes the already powerful training schedule for the engine crew with the “Engine-Room Simulator Based on IMO Model course 2.07” and the “Leadership and Team-work IMO Model Course 1.39”. All courses are supported by our State-of-the Art Engine Simulator.
Course Code: Collision Avoidance Course
Duration: 3 Day Seminar
Core of this particular course is the improvement of Safe Navigational Watch and Collision Avoidance through the presentation and refresh of the COLREG rules in conjunction with the Full Bridge Simulation exercises.
Course Code: (IAMSAR Manual, Vol. III) IMO Model Course 3.15
Duration: 5 Days (09:30 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Chief Officers
CMTS S.A. is pleased to introduce “SAR ON–SCENE COORDINATOR (IAMSAR Manual, Vol. III)” IMO Model Course 3.15. The Course is mandatory as per STCW Table A-II/2 (2010 Manila Amendments) and has been endorsed by the Administrations of Malta and Marshall Islands.
This Management-Level Course is the first of its kind to be offered to the Greek Maritime Community and it is addressed mainly to Masters and Chief Officers.
With a balanced mixture of theory and indicative exercises, supported by our fully equipped state-of-the-art Bridge Simulator, the Course aims at conveying the required specific knowledge and skills that will qualify participants to effectively execute:
The duration is five days and it is delivered entirely on CMTS premises, by experienced Instructors and SAR Specialists, while its major topics include:
Simulated exercises include realistic virtual scenarios covering the areas of:
Course Code: ENGINE-ROOM SIMULATOR (Refresher course) BASED ON IMO MODEL COURSE 2.07 (Edition 2002)
Duration: 5 Days – 40 Hours
Target Group(s): Chief Engineers and Engine Officers
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualifications:
The course is essentially a practical one, consisting of a series of exercises structured around the operation of a ship’s machinery installation and carried out in conjunction with an engine-room simulator. It is conducted by an experienced Chief Engineer.
It is supported by our state-of- the-art full mission Engine Simulator with some indicative virtual scenarios such as preparing and firing up a cold steam boiler, engine failure, preparation and operation of main engine, commence of passage in shallow waters, bunkering procedures, very low-slow steaming, etc.
Certification/Course approval:
Course Code: IMO Model Course 1.27
Duration: 5 Days (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Deck Officers
The course has a Marshall Islands and Liberia Flag Approval | Bureau of Maritime Affairs - Republic of Liberia |
GL Approval Certificate | Transport Malta - Course Approval Certificate |
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
This IMO Model Course will provide experience in demonstrating sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding of ECDIS navigation and electronic charts to undertake the duties of a navigational watch officer as defined by the amended STCW code. The course is Flag Approved by Malta, Liberia and Marshall Islands flag Administrations.
ECDIS Generic Certificate as per the IMO Model Course 1.27
This course is also available on request
Course Code: STCW REFRESHER COURSE (Manila) - In accordance to STCW 78 requirements, as revised by the 2010 Manila Amendments
Duration: 2 Days – 16 Hours
Target Group(s): Masters and Deck officers
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualifications:
The course objectives are the refreshment knowledge in view of revalidation of the COCs as per STCW (2010 Manila amendments) Tables A-II /1, A-II/2, and BI/2 Reg. VI/5, BI/2 Reg. VI/6 demands on the following fields:
SAR – On scene coordinator, Environmental awareness, Voyage planning with ECDIS, Dedicated ship’s handling, Advanced stability, Advanced meteorology, Managerial skills, Security awareness, Maintain a safe Navigational watch
Certification/Course approval:
Course Code: IMO Model Course 3.23
Duration: 2 Days (09:00 – 15:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Ch.Engineers – Deck & Engine Officers – Maritime Industry Personnel - Security Armed Guards & Groups
GL Approval Certificate |
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of Attendance, as per detailed IMO Course 3.23 outlines
This course is also available on request
Course Code: IMO Model Course 1.22
Duration: 5 Days (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Deck Officers – Maritime Industry Office Personnel
The course has a Marshall Islands and Liberia Flag Approval | Bureau of Maritime Affairs - Republic of Liberia |
GL Approval Certificate | Transport Malta - Course Approval Certificate |
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of attendance as per detailed IMO Course 1.22 framework and Swedish club Academy (MRM) detailed outlines accredited by Malta, Liberia and the Marshall Islands Administrations.
This course is also available on request
Course Code: IMO Model Course 3.19
Duration: 2 Days (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Deck Officers – Ch. Engineers – Engine Room Officers
The course has a Marshall Islands and Liberia Flag Approval | Bureau of Maritime Affairs - Republic of Liberia |
GL Approval Certificate | Transport Malta - Course Approval Certificate |
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualifications:
Ship Security Officer Certificate
This course is also available on request
Course Code: Container vessels dedicated handling (Operational Level)
Duration: 1 Day (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): 2nd Officers
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of Attendance: “Basic Container Ship’s Handling” (Operational Level)
This course is also available on request
Course Code: Container Vessels Dedicated Handling (Management Level)
Duration: 2 Days (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Ch. Officers – Maritime Office's Personnel
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of Attendance: Container Ship’s Dedicated Handling (Management Level)
This course is also available on request
Course Code: Bunkering Procedures
Duration: 1 Day (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Ch. Officers – Ch. Engineers – Eng. Officers – Maritime Office Personnel
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of Attendance: “Bunkering Operation & Disputes”
This course is also available on request
Course Code: JRC ECDIS Type Specific Course
Duration: 2 Days (09:00 – 14:30)
Target Group(s): Masters– Deck Officers
Scope & Objectives
Familiarization with JRC ECDIS Models : JAN 901B/701B/2000 901M/901/701 and the brand new model JAN 9201/7201.
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
JRC ECDIS type-specific certificate
This course is also available on request
Course Code: TRANSAS ECDIS Type Specific Course
Duration: 2 Days (09:00 – 14:30)
Target Group(s): Masters– Deck Officers
Scope & Objectives
Familiarization with TRANSAS ECDIS 4000 – 4001
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
TRANSAS ECDIS type-specific certificate
This course is also available on request
Course Code: IMO MLC Implementation
Duration: 1 Day (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Ch. Engineers – Chief Officers – Office Personnel
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualifications:
Certificate of Attendance: Implementation of MLC
This course is also available on request
Course Code: Safe Ice Navigation
Duration: 2 Days: (09:00 - 15:30)
Target Group(s): Masters - Deck Officers - Maritime Office's Personnel
The course is accredited by DNV – Germanischer Lloyds. |
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualification:
This course aims the participants to gain knowledge about ice and safe navigation in ice conditions.
Conducted by experienced in ice navigation Captains.
Supported by our Full Mission Bridge Simulator with some indicative life scenarios such as independent navigation in ice , towing in ice condition , berthing/un-berthing , anchoring in ice.
Certificate of attendance "Ice Navigation".
This course is also available on request
Course Code: ECDIS as Primary Means of Navigation – Requirements and Obligations
Duration: 1 Day (09:00 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Shore - Based Personnel
Scope & Objectives
Port State Control and Vetting Inspections focused on ECDIS
(-The appropriate declaration on Form E and P, -ECDIS type approval certificate,
-Adequate independent back-up arrangements,
-Documentary evidence of generic and type specific ECDIS training,
-Evidence of periodic tests and checks of the ECDIS equipment,
-Demonstration of operational competency by the vessel’s navigating officers)
Entry Requirements
2 Photos
Certificate of attendance.
This course is also available on request
Course Code: Ship's Dedicated Handling
Duration: 3 Days (09:30 – 17:00)
Target Group(s): Masters – Deck Officers
Scope & Objectives
Entry Requirements
Gained Qualifications
Certificate of attendance “SHIPS DEDICATED HANDLING“
This course is also available on request
Course Code: IMO Model Course 1.39
Duration: 3 Days
Target Group(s): Masters, chief engineers, engine and deck officers and office personnel
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
Gained Qualifications:
Certificate of attendance “LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORKING“ IMO Model Course 1.39 as per STCW Table A-II/2 and A-III/2 (2010 Manila Amendments).
Course Approval by the Administrations of Malta, Liberia and the Marshall Islands.
Course Code: Passage Planning in Paperless Navigation
Duration: 3 Days (09:30 – 14:30)
Target Group(s): Masters, Deck Officers, Office Personnel
Scope & Objectives:
Entry Requirements:
- Seaman Book No and/or Passport No.
- 2 Photos
- Certificate of competency
Gained Qualifications:
- This course aims the participants to gain knowledge about the passage planning and appliance on ECDIS
- It is conducted by experienced in passage planning Captains
- It is supported by our Full Mission Bridge Simulator with some indicative life scenarios such as: wrong safety depth and safety contour, wrong alarm sensor settings, inadequate monitoring etc.
CMTS S.A. provides custom-made courses, upon request, structured in order to cover the needs of a Shipping Company might have and delivered to their crew for a special training. The courses are focused on specific topics, and/or areas and scenarios that require advanced training.